The Comfort of Clean

The Comfort of Clean

  • Unsung Benefits Of Leaving House Cleaning To The Pros

    For a very long time, humans have taken extra care in cleaning their homes. But over the past few decades, it has become more common for people to hire cleaning services to clean their homes. Obviously, this approach gives you more free time. However, it also has some other unsung benefits you might not have thought about. You won't have to shop for cleaning supplies and keep them in stock.

  • 2 Common Signs You Need To Hire Commercial Pressure Washing Services

    Commercial pressure washing involves using pressurized water to blast away dirt, debris, grease, or sludge buildup from a commercial property. Pressure washing ensures the exterior surfaces of commercial properties are clean and free of any elements that degrade their appearance. On average, it is advisable to hire a commercial pressure washing service for a commercial property at least once yearly. But, if the commercial property gets dirty quickly due to its location and environment, you may need to hire commercial pressure washing services more often.

  • Waterproofing Your Home? How To Prepare For Crawl Space Encapsulation

    If you're ready to waterproof your home, don't forget about the crawl space. Many homeowners overlook the crawl space when waterproofing their homes. Overlooking that section can put your home at risk for serious water damage. That's why you also need to encapsulate your crawl space. But, you do need to prepare your home before the encapsulation service. If you're not sure how to prepare your crawl space for encapsulation, read the list provided below.

  • 3 DIY Office Cleaning Mistakes You Should Avoid

    Although most workplaces invest in regular janitorial services, some opt for the DIY route, which can lead to some errors that are expensive to resolve. Unfortunately, non-professionals are likely to inadvertently make mistakes because they don't have the training, tools, and expertise specialists do. In some cases, you might not notice the effect of these errors until irreparable damage has occurred. Keeping your workplace clean helps staff and clients focus on the business and enhances productivity.

  • Is Chimney Sweeping Really Necessary? Find Out

    Nothing is as satisfying as spending time with your family and pet by the fireplace during a chilly night. However, it is important not to forget about the status of your chimney as you use your fireplace. The chimney is one of the few things in the house that help make your life comfortable, yet often overlooked. The chimney needs regular maintenance to serve you as required. Failure to keep up with the chimney sweeping needs could have negative consequences.

  • 2024© The Comfort of Clean
    About Me
    The Comfort of Clean

    Imagine coming home to a house that someone else cleaned for you. The dishes are all washed and put away. The carpets have been vacuumed, the laundry is done, and the stray pet food has been swept up off the floor. This may sound like a dream, but it can be your reality when you hire a professional cleaning service. Cleaning services are everywhere, but some homeowners are hesitate to embrace their services, often due to a lack of familiarity. This website exists to break through that unfamiliarity. Learn more about professional cleaning and what it involves so you can feel comfortable hiring cleaners for your own home.